
The American Foundation of Lower Extremity Surgery and Research is sponsored through private and corporate donations. The sponsors do not, nor do they have the ability to direct, influence, or affect the outcomes of any study performed by the foundation (AFLESR) in any way. Their sponsorship is for research, community outreach, and the educational goals of AFLESR. Any donations, gifts, donations in kind that have any purpose other than those that are aligned with foundation shall be returned to the entity or individual donor upon realization of such. Physician / surgeon time, effort, and energy are also the life blood of the foundation which gives back to the medical profession with great service.

Student / resident time and service is also vital to the foundations ability to carry on the legacy of helping patients, people in need, and those who are crippled and/or have deformities and may not have access to skilled surgeons or medical teams.

AFLESR in no way wishes to interfere with, replace, compete, become, or otherwise suggest that it is a healthcare provider or entity or in anyway represent that it is providing a healthcare or medical service for any fee or fee-for-service relationship. In no way, shape, or form is AFLESR replacing or entering into a physician/patient relationship.

All efforts have been made to follow the measures of regulation through IRS non-profit rules and adherence to strict ethical codes.


The American Foundation of Lower Extremity Surgery is for the education of healthcare professionals through yearly fellowships, conferences, lectures, workshops, and research. The advanced education of doctors and medical staff is important for new innovations in the medical field and improvement to clinical/surgical patient care. Those that sponsor AFLESR shall have no influence or ability to influence any member, surgeon, physician, or AFLESR employee to use any product, device, or service. Any such influence shall be considered a breach of donation agreement. Simply stated: No person or company shall try to persuade for positive consultation opinions or favorable research outcomes.

The outcomes of research is ultimately for the benefit of the patients and our doctors will only use, review, or conduct research on products that have already been deemed necessary in the best interest and welfare for the patients. AFLESR strictly maintains high ethical standards to avoid conflicts of interest. The patients and their welfare are what will always be the most essential concern to all faculty, students, and staff associated with AFLESR and their respective practices.

AFLESR and its physicians and surgeons, have been active in education and research, including teaching medical/nursing/PA students, resident physicians, fellows, and physical therapists. The surgeons of AFLESR have been involved in advising and developing implants, and surgical instruments and techniques. In addition, AFLESR doctors have been given instructional lectures, cadaver labs, surgical and rehabilitation techniques, outcome studies, and serve as experts in their field on an international and national level to other doctors and medical personnel.

Any donation(s) not complying, aligning, or meeting AFLESR mission goals may be returned to the donor or be donated to another deserving non-profit/entity at the discretion of the AFLESR Board of Directors.

Medical Missions

As part of the AFLESR surgeons mission, surgeons and members have given time and service throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic and Central America.

For upcoming medical missions, donations specific to a medical mission, or to volunteer to participate, please contact Dr. Devin Wahlen, Director of Crippled Children Outreach Project.

For Instrument/ Hardware/Equipment/Lab Materials Donations:

Please contact: Dr. J. Joseph Anderson drjjosephanderson@aflesr.org

Note: “In Kind” donations shall be assigned a value as determined by fair market value standards, industry standards, book values and other accepted means of assigning value.  Such values shall comply with all IRS rules and regulations for giving value to these donations for any tax deduction purposes.

Relationships with Outside Entities

American Foundation of Lower Extremity Surgery & Research (AFLESR) has no relationship implied, direct or indirect, with any healthcare entities.  AFLESR is a Non-Profit 501(c) 3 Organization, which is registered with the Federal Government.  AFLESR provides funding and sponsorship for education and research.  This funding is for college scholarships, research grants, educational seminars, outcome studies, and publications.  Funding is also used for teaching of medical students, residents, fellows, and practicing surgeons.  Medical missions, both national and international, are made possible through funding through AFLESR.  Some members of AFLESR also serve on the board of New Mexico Bone & Joint Institute, hospital boards, surgery center boards, state and national medical and surgical association boards and committees. Serving on these boards and committees does not give gain, advantage, compensation, or otherwise create a relationship between AFLESR and any such entity.

Donation of Time

AFLESR Surgeons, Physicians, Students, Residents, Researchers, and Staff give hundreds of hours every year for the benefit of society, past patients, future patients and current patients.  There is no way to ever compensate or fully show appreciation for the countless days and years of work put into the foundation. This is what we do, this is what we are about… giving back, making where we are now, better when we leave.